Message from the President
Dr. Mary Oxner, PhD
President, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia
We are in unchartered territory. We face a new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, a reality that has placed significant pressure to respond to our healthcare system and all those working in it.
As the regulator of the medical profession, the College has a role to play beyond supporting the leadership of the province and the office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health. The College is responsible for a myriad of activities as mandated by the provincial Medical Act.
Message from the Registrar & CEO
D.A. (Gus) Grant,
Registrar & CEO
In April the largest mass murder in Canadian history devastated so many on our shores. Nova Scotians are still working their way forward after this violence. Our condolences extend to all those affected by this senseless tragedy. Our thanks go to those in law enforcement and first responders for their heroism.
Even in the wake of this tragedy, COVID -19 remains the dominant issue facing Nova Scotians and the physicians that care for them.
COVID-19: College Response

The arrival of COVID-19 on our shores forced many changes in the delivery of medical care. The College as the regulator of medical practice kept pace with these changes.
Having completed a pandemic planning exercise years ago, the College shifted to a work-from-home, virtual office model upon declaration of the emergency by the Premier.
This planning resulted in a smooth transition to the remote delivery of the College’s operations.
COVID-19 compelled immediate changes to our approach to licensure, to support the pandemic deployment response.
2019-2020 Strategic Plan: Key Developments
Access to Healthcare
We will support improved access to healthcare through leadership, collaboration and flexibility.
Conflicts of Interest in Medicine
We will direct physicians on how to conduct business ethically and safely.
We will promote safe and effective prescribing through education and regulation.
Sexual Misconduct Complaints
We will serve the public with processes that are progressive, fair and sensitive to all involved.
Liscensing qualified physicians
Keri McAdoo,
Deputy Registrar
The mission of the Registration Department is to license competent physicians, to license physicians to the limits of their competencies, and to not license incompetent physicians. The task would seem simple, and it is when considering the Canadian-trained physician who has passed the Canadian licensing and certification examinations.
Registration Statistics as of
December 31, 2019
This data represents a physician head count, not a total of full-time equivalent practising physicians.

Medical History vignette
Dr. Lewis Johnstone Lovett was born in Kentville in 1867, the son of Henry and Annie (Johnstone) Lovett. After graduating from Acadia University with a BA in 1888, Lewis entered University of New York Medical School from which he graduated with his MD in 1891.
Learning that Dr. Frederick S. Kinsman was moving his practice from Bear River to Digby, Dr. Lovett established a medical practice at Bear River in 1892.
Dr. Lewis J. Lovett, Medical Doctor at Bear River, 1892 to 1942