Reflections from a Public Member
Ms. Michele Brennan
Public Member
As one of five public members of the Council, I have served on many of its committees since 2014. I am currently on five College committees, including chair of the Professional Standards Committee.
The College embraces openness, transparency, and accountability in medical regulation. As with physician members, public members are integrated into Council activities and committee work. Public members offer various professional skills to assist in committee work. Our input is sought out, respected, and valued, as it helps Council maintain a public focus.
All Council members, physicians, and public members work diligently to meet the governance mandate and support high standards of medical practice. Registration and licensure, defining professional standards, investigation, and discipline, and monitoring practice through peer assessments are all aspects of professional medical regulation and committee activities.
The COVID-19 pandemic presents an unparalleled threat to the capacity of healthcare systems and healthcare providers. I continue to be impressed with the commitment and flexibility of the Council, committee members and College staff in getting the work done despite the many restrictions and demands. Maintaining the health and safety of Nova Scotians is a priority for all health professionals, especially now.
I am particularly taken by the efforts of the College to improve access to healthcare through leadership, collaboration, and flexibility during this time. I feel confident that the pandemic will ultimately identify learning and development opportunities, such as in licensure and professional standards. Medical regulation will be improved by COVID-19.
I am privileged to serve on the Council of the College and am committed to continuing to meet the mandate of the public representative role.