Guiding Practice & Reflecting Public Expectations
The College is required by the Medical Act to establish and promote professional standards of practice. This work is led by the Professional Standards Committee and informed by broad consultation with public and professional stakeholders.
In developing professional standards, the Committee strives to establish clear, effective guidance for physicians and to frame and reflect the expectations of the public. Together with the CMA’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism and the recommendations of Choosing Wisely Canada, the catalogue of standards maintained on the College website should guide physicians through the professional, administrative, and ethical challenges of practice. Physicians are encouraged to access these documents to remain current with their professional obligations.
As this extraordinary year has demonstrated, the practice of medicine and the public’s expectations of the profession are constantly changing.
Keeping Pace With ChangE
As this extraordinary year has demonstrated, the practice of medicine and the public’s expectations of the profession are constantly changing. The Committee regularly revisits its standards and guidelines to ensure the documents are keeping pace. The coming year will certainly see changes to standards touching on current and timely issues, such as virtual care, pandemic protocols, and medical assistance in dying.
We are grateful to the physician and public members of the committee, and to all who participated in consultations. We recognize that physicians and patients are still faced with navigating the challenges brought on by COVID-19.