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Upon the declaration of a state of emergency due to the pandemic, the College ceased all business travel and in-person meetings. All outreach became virtual, but we remained active and engaged with stakeholders and partners.

The College enjoys multiple touchpoints with the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University and the health authorities. We participate in virtual rounds presenting to postgraduate trainees and medical students, as well as continuing professional development (CPD) events such as the Dalhousie Refresher.

Upon the declaration of a state of emergency due to the pandemic, the College ceased all business travel and in-person meetings. All outreach became virtual, but we remained active and engaged with stakeholders and partners.


Nationally, the College’s Registrar, Dr. Gus Grant, sits on the boards of the Medical Council of Canada and the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FMRAC). Dr. Grant also chairs FMRAC’s Working Group on Anti-Indigenous Racism in Medicine.

Dr. Grant is a panelist developing national guidelines for the use of medical cannabis at the Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre at McMaster University. He is also a member of the PrescribeIT advisory board for opioid prescribing and is an advisor to the Outcomes of Training Project with the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

Nationally, the College’s Deputy Registrar, Dr. Keri McAdoo, is a member of FMRAC’s Registration Working Group.

During the pandemic, we have missed sitting across the table with physicians throughout the province and talking about the challenges and solutions facing each region. We look forward to doing so again someday.


Provincially, Dr. Grant is a board member of the Nova Scotia Prescription Monitoring Program and the Regulated Health Professions Network, while serving on the Nova Scotia Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee.

Dr. McAdoo participates in the Multi-Stakeholder Working Group at Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS). She is also a member of the Health Wellness Consortium coordinated through the Continuing Professional Development office at Dalhousie University.