College Outreach

National Collaboration

The College’s Registrar, Dr. Gus Grant, is active on a number of national initiatives. He sits on the Board of the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada and, having initially chaired the group, now acts as Board liaison on the FMRAC Working Group on Anti-Indigenous Racism. He continues to sit on the Advisory Committee on PrescribeIT, a working group seeking to implement safe e-prescribing. Dr. Grant is participating as an expert panellist on the development of clinical guidelines for cannabinoids.

Nationally, the College’s Deputy Registrar, Dr. Keri McAdoo, is a member of FMRAC’s Registration Working Group. This group works toward shared licensing standards across the country.

Provincial Collaboration

Within the province, Dr. Grant remains on the board of the Prescription Monitoring Program, having stepped down after many years as chair. He has been active on the province’s Virtual Care Advisory Group.  He continues to work closely with the Offices of Health Care Professional Recruitment and Retention.

Dr. McAdoo is a member of the International Medical Graduate (IMG) Multi-stakeholder Working Group. This group brings together stakeholders who work with IMGs throughout their careers, from pre-arrival to Canada until the physician obtains Full licensure. Dr. McAdoo is also a member of the Health & Wellness Stakeholders Group which discusses initiatives regarding physician wellness.

The College enjoys multiple touchpoints with the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University and the health authorities. We participate in virtual rounds presenting to postgraduate trainees and medical students, as well as continuing professional development (CPD) events such as the Dalhousie Refresher.